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family photo 2021-01 wild sage.jpeg
hey y'all!
i'm jess and i am the proud owner of poppy jane!
i have always been crafty & a diy-er for as long as i can remember. 
i started making badge reels for myself in 2019 as a hobby. 
my inspiration came from when I worked in a hospital where everyone wore the same scrubs every day and there weren't many ways to 'accessorize' and uniquely express yourself.
i purchased a badge reel online made of felt and quickly realized how impossible it would be to keep clean!
that's when i decided to play around and make something that was not only custom and unique, but also durable!
what began as a hobby quickly turned into a passion. i decided to start selling to coworkers and word began to spread like wildfire. 
nearly 500 badge reels later just from coworkers and friends, here we are!  

i live in the suburbs of kansas city with my husband, our sweet baby boy, and two fur babies. 

i'm so glad you're here! 


wild sage photography

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